Law Offices of David Lowe | California Workers Compensation Lawyer

What should I know about temporary disability benefits?

When you get hurt while performing your California job, you may know that you can access workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits come in different forms, and it is important to understand what you are eligible for. One type of compensation benefit you may receive is temporary disability benefits. After you incur an injury, you might […]

How to file a workers’ comp claim in California

If you suffered an injury on the job in California, know that the state’s workers’ compensation may cover your resulting medical bills. To receive the assistance you deserve, however, you must file a workers’ compensation claim. Understanding the claims process may help ensure that you take the necessary steps to recover the benefits you need. […]

Repetitive injuries and workers’ compensation

California residents often go above and beyond on the job. Unfortunately, this type of work ethic may lead to injuries. Some of the most common injuries workers have to deal with are ones caused by repetitive motion. Unlike other obvious job-related injuries, those caused by repetitive motion may also develop outside of work. Does the […]

What is the DWC 1?

If you suffer an injury on the job in California, you have the right to make a workers’ compensation claim. However, you must make sure that you follow all the procedures in place to make your claim. If you fail to follow set procedures, you could end up with a denial. The first step in […]

What is a doctor’s role in a worker’s comp case?

Your journey through the worker’s comp system can be a daunting task, even under the best of circumstances. The insurance companies have a big advantage because they are in the business of worker’s compensation. They will use their knowledge of the system to protect their interests. There are some steps you can have your doctor […]

Will my SSD benefits lower with Workers Comp?

Working in California puts you at risk for a work-related injury in many job sectors. However, if you are already receiving Social Security Disability benefits for something else, you may be hesitant about applying for workers’ compensation. There are a few ways workers’ compensation benefits can affect your SSD compensation. The Social Security Administration handles […]

5 facts to know about workers’ compensation in California

From back or joint pain that develops over time to sudden accidents, employees in many types of jobs may find that their work puts their own health at risk. The National Safety Council reports that over 4.5 million U.S. workers suffer job-related injuries each year. In California, all employers with at least one employee must provide workers’ […]

Common repetitive stress injuries of the upper extremity

Not all work-related injuries result from a single traumatic accident in the workplace. Some result from the cumulative stress of day-to-day work activities. While such injuries are eligible for workers’ compensation, it can sometimes be difficult to prove that the injury arose from one’s job. Workers in all sorts of professions are susceptible to repetitive […]

Common repetitive stress injuries of the lower extremities

Working in just about any profession can put one at risk of repetitive stress injuries of the upper extremities. By contrast, RSI of the lower extremities usually occur in people whose jobs keep them on their feet for a significant portion of the day. However, this does not necessarily involve intensive manual labor. Teachers, nurses […]

Know your rights in a workers’ compensation case

California workers have certain rights after an injury or illness caused by job duties. They also have responsibilities about reporting the incident and filing the correct paperwork. If you or a loved one suffered an injury at work or developed a disease caused by workplace exposure, make sure you understand your rights in a California workers’ […]